I was devastated knowing I was that
close to moving on to the next level; however, when I found out that there were
34,998 others who fell short of winning the crown it made me feel just a
bit....worse. Urghh, I'm so competitive.
Nonetheless, time allowed me to
discover that the whole experience was a win because I truly came out a better
speaker, leader, and person. 'How did that happen,' you ask? Well, while every
experience grows us, I believe I got the most out of mine by 'O.W.N.' ing mine-
and you can too.
Own-(verb) to acknowledge as one's
own, to fully engage with.
By O.W.N., I mean that we don't just
go through the motion, but we engage and:
and learn
notes and ideas
with people
My experience was going through a
speech contest, but for you it may be trying to start your own business, pursue
a new career, or write your own book. You can carry this desire and leave it to
luck whether you will achieve it or not, or you can engage and O.W.N. your
Observe and Learn- means you have to show up. If you want to be a writer-
start reading books that are selling off the shelf- follow popular bloggers and
authors. If you want to be a speaker, attend seminars where great speakers are
Observe what these icons do best.
Participate actively by analyzing their techniques. Don't just accept that they
are good; identify and specify what makes them sizzle. Ask yourself, 'what can
I learn and incorporate into my own art to make me better?'
Write notes and ideas- We all have great ideas- in fact ideas are constantly
oozing in and out of our minds; however, we can never hold on to them long
enough to act. Why? Because we don't write them down. Writing is the first step
of taking action. When you write down ideas and take notes, you make a greater
commitment to follow up on those ideas and note. Is there really power in
writing? Yes, that's why less than 5% of people reach their goals, and these
people have one thing in common- they wrote down their goals. Start writing!!
Network with people- If talent can take you one mile, people will take you ten.
People may be hard to deal with at times and sometimes you may not know who you
can trust; however, every decision that has been made on earth has been made by
a human. A person decided who got hired, what book to buy, and which speaker to
book. Because people are subjects they make subjective decisions. If people
know you and feel comfortable with you they will make favorable decisions
towards you.
You are not going to make it without
people- you will need them to market your book, to give a you a favorable
recommendation, or to make you a loan. Start networking and building mutually
edifying relationships. It's been said that “your network is your net worth.”
There is a lot to be said about that.
I continue to pursue a career in
bettering the lives of people through speaking. You too have your own longing
desires. The fear of falling into the group of the 34,999 losers keeps us on
the sideline and reluctant to try; however, I believe that anyone who engages
in the process will come out a winner. The true prize is not a trophy, a big
salary, or fame. The true prize is a better polished YOU. You will achieve that
by 'O.W.N.'ing the experience.
Continue on your PASSIONATE PURSUIT.
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